Saturday, 11 April 2015

Evaluation Three

3) What have you learned from your audience 


What is an audience: an audience can be anybody from myself, my peers, teachers etc. I wanted an audience that consume my product and that was a strong aim of my mine. As an active audience means my product had come across well with its aims.
Throughout my piece an original personal aim was for myself to try and make it what the audience wanted as after they are the consumers of my product. So for my first piece of audience feedback I conducted a survey and asked a wide range of people 8 questions that helped me understand how to attract my audience and what they wanted.
However, audience feedback is an important feature to have as it helps you change your piece if some didn't find some features of the piece attractive or not.It also helps you make it more appealing to an audience. Its a good thing to have constructuve critcism because it really helps the indivual learn from their mistakes.
The audience is a key feature of the product because without people consuming my product it wouldn't have a large impact and my messages and values won't be put across as their would be nobody to view and understand my products. 
Although the genre of my music video and ancillary texts is indie meaning becoming popular isn't something that they often consider when producing products. I wanted to create products that are promoted successfully so what the audience want is important.

Planning and research:

I decided that I would use my first piece of audience feedback as a guidance in how to create a good and succeful music video. I discovered that people often liked all three of the different video structures i.e abstract, narrative and performance. From this I learnt that it would be best to listen to what the audience wanted, in the end I combined the performance of my artist and a having a narrative (which is the most important feature of my music video) . Also from my research I learnt that a younger audience  would watch more band/artist performance videos then an older audience. This helped me decided to put my actress lip syncing in the video as I didn't originally plan to I wanted my video to be completely narrative. The change was so my product would appeal to a younger audience as the consumer would have control over whether my product would be successful or not. I then asked what genre do you must prefer and most answers where rock, pop and indie. At the time there was no specified genre I wanted to choose. I took inconsideration my struggles from last year in the fact my genre of music magazine was not an area of music I could relate to. This and my audience feedback effecting my discussion in choosing indie as the genre of my product. The other questions weren't so much related to my product they were more related to the individual and to get a evaluation on those figures rather than have an effect on my final products.   

Feedback of my products:

Ancillary text: Magazine Advertisement


Ancillary text: Digipak

Audience feedback for ancillary digipak from Angelacrocker9777



Here is some verbal feedback that I recored of people saying what they liked and didn't like about my music video. The feedback was generally similar to one another which was to improve the lip syncing near to the end, sort out the shaking of the camera, improve in the acting skills of the actress (which was difficult to edit around). All of these I had noticed when I first published my second draft. However, I found this useful as I edited these changes and created a better product. There was also issues with my sound which I found difflict to resolove as it was troubles with editing software not the audio as I tried out different copies of the song and I still had this issue. My auidence noticed this and I tried to fix it by downloading a new verison of the song however the problem was still there which made my video less effective to my audience.



From this you can see drastic changes to my video. I have used mostly the same clips as last time, reduced some clips sequences and editing the lip syncing problem mostly. I also added more effects onto certain clips e.g the sink sequences.

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