Conventions Of Form And Genre
For my music video I have chosen to do the song 'Skinny love by Birdy which is not the original but both have followed the same genre indie folk.
Indie music is often know to be stereotypically low budget and focus more on the song and the video itself then what is produced at a fast rate as there ideology is different to a artist or band thats in a different genre i.e. Pop.
There usually filmed and set in easy to get places that arent exactly the most luxurious for example stereotypical places are things such as woods, urban areas, cities, rooms, run down houses etc these all help create a mysterious vibe.
Mise-en-scene is very important in the indie genre as its all about minimising what you have because its not about what you don't have but what you do. To portray that the artist/band often has a retro kind of look for example large clothes or raggy old looking clothes. Make up is also used but made to look minimal too.
Props are important to the music video because they allow use to relate to the genre of music we are listing to. In this case inide music stereotypically uses instruments and performance in there music videos which emphasise there low budget vibe.
Its become recently popular for narrative to become important in indie music videos because its another way for the audience to interprete the song. Narrative allows there to be more variety of shots and settings to be used so that makes the video somewhat more interesting.
The use of cinematography is unique in the indie genre as it has specific shots that often the indie use such as close up and medium shots and tilts that often signify the importance to a person or an object. Like often a video would close up to a person face or the hands of the artist doing something.
The use of editing in the genre indie often reflects the beat/pace of a song such as if its a fast song that means fast edits and slow song means slow edits. However, they often use black and white effects on there videos to add more of a stative depressed vibe.
Mumford and sons are an example of a folk band folk is very acoustic.
A convention of a folk music video is the shot types such as a shot of the band/artist which is featured in most folk music videos.
Lighting is also a frequent convention such as washed out lighting and the nostalgic effect.
Folk music videos often have an old look and old sounding music so it's vintage.
Shots of hands are often used in folk music to show how the artist/ band is coping it's significances them doing something wether there playing a guitar or holding something or a shot of the hand could signify the band advertsiment something that connects there record label with the company there advertising.
Location is often important to a convention of a folk music video. There are a few locations that are sterotypical and you would see in a conventional folk music video such as; woods, isolated places, and maybe a stage.
Costume and props would be similarity indie very simplistic and not to over the top which is what you would aspect from a genre such as pop
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